Friday, July 10, 2009

Osprey or Sea Hawk?

Having grown up in the Pacific Northwest, I call these birds Sea Hawks. This lovely raptor makes her living in the Port of Guaymas. They can have about a 6 foot wingspan and are found on all continents except Antarctica. This day she had caught a small orange fish and was very shy about eating it until we left her alone.

Here is a sampling of the fishing fleet. Port of Guaymas has a long interesting history. It not only serves to support 70% of the states sea food catch, it is also a Naval Base, Industrial Port and Ferry Terminal. There have been battles won and lost in this port that include but are not limited to American occupation from October 1847 until July 1848. Also, a French chap Marquis of Pindray takes over the port in 1851 and travels deep into the State of Sonora to the town of Rayon, where a welcome wagon bestows him with a bullet to his head. The English and Germans also found their way to the port.
The below shot is probably the work dock. Many of the ships looked they need some serious TLC.


  1. We moved here from the Seattle area three years ago. Love these photos! We have to drive south sometime this year and check out this area of Mexico! It looks beautiful!

  2. Thanks for the history lesson. I learned something new. My day is complete :)

  3. LAB, you will enjoy the area. It is nothing like the Isla, but it does make a nice Mexican getaway.

    Bob, I thought of you the entire time I was posting this. :) History Boy!

  4. These are fantastic photos! It makes me want to drive over to Guaymas!

  5. Jan, you absolutly need to drive over to Guaymas. Keith and I have a soft spot in our heart for this interesting town. The Port was also to place in the world that the first EVER bomb from an airplane was drop onto a ship. It was during the revolution time.

  6. The Guaymas shrimping and fishing industry has been hurting the last few years, largely due to having to compete with big factory ships, I'm told. If they can't fish, they have no dinero to improve their boats.

    You may be referring to that same French chap who occupied Guaymas for a while, when my Spanish teacher Lolita's great-great-supergreat aunt became a hero. She infiltrated the French army barriers to warn the Mexican fighters the town was about to be overrun by the French (who were actually pirates rather than a military outfit). She was carrying her baby and insisting to the guards that she had to get the infant to her wet nurse and then pinching the poor kid to emphasize her point. Howl!!! The deafened French guard let her through, she gave her warning and for once the Mexicans were able to defend the town.

  7. Those are Sea Gulls ~ no one can tell me different.

    The photo's are great! Thanks, for sharing!

  8. Kym, an Osprey will take immediate offense to that and will take a gull as easily as a fish. Rightfully so.
